What we do?

Land use planning and urban development

HSP provides support to authorities, individuals and real estate developers on a daily basis during the development, design, and execution phases of their construction projects. Our lawyers perform a legal…


Lawyer Construction Law Brussels, Lawyer Construction Law Brabant Wallon HSP can assist you not only when the project is in its early stages and still being developed but also when…

Procurement contracts

We assist contracting authorities and economic operators on a daily basis with the design, awarding and execution of publics procurements, whether related to works, supplies or services. We provide assistance…


Lawyer Specializing In Urban Planning And Environment The fields of environmental law are very diverse and range from general environmental law (Environmental Code, environmental permits, environmental impact assessment, environmental infringements)…

Activities/Facilities/Classified Installations

The implementation and operation of activities, facilities and listed establishments require specific permits (environmental permits, operating licences, IPPC/IED, etc.), continuous follow-up (conditions of operation, inspections, transformations, permit renewals, upgrades, changes…


The subject of waste is a complex one, governed by European rules transposed by the different Member States into their internal regulations, which are, in Belgium, primarily regional. There are…


Soil performs many functions that are necessary for humans, flora and fauna. It is the foundation on which numerous human and economic activities are built. Centuries of industrial and human…

Nature conservation

Nature conservation has various objectives, among them the protection of animal and plant species, the conservation of the ecological integrity of their natural or replacement habitats, even hunting. In Belgium,…


Belgium is a leading country with respect to the extraction of underground resources. HSP, based on the plurality of its areas of expertise in terms of land use planning and…

Commercial developments

HSP assists individuals and businesses on a daily basis with the steps to take with the relevant authorities and the procedures for being granted the required permits for a commercial…

Real Estate Civil Law

The development and implementation of a real estate project, as well as the management or transfer of property assets, involves many areas of civil law, from property law and its…

Property taxes

In addition to the civil law or administrative law aspects, a real estate operation must also view the project through the lens of its taxation impact in order to ensure…